The Geek Shall Inherit The Earth.

So apparently*, today is Embrace Your Geekness Day.  In honor of this most sacred of holidays, I give you Polly Surely** in full Hogwarts (Gryffindor, to be specific) regalia.

This was a couple weeks ago, when I dusted off my Ginny Weasley routine for a private bachelorette party.  When I last did this routine, my hair was about eight inches longer, so this time I got to wear this luxurious red wig.  And yes – that tie is official Harry Potter merchandise.  Of course.

I figure everyone, regardless of how cool they may be, has something they geek out about.    I’ve got Harry Potter, Anne of Green Gables, the Hunger Games, Shakespeare, Lost…to name a few.  What about you?

* That is, according to today’s Etsy Finds e-mail.

** Polly’s my burlesque alter ego, for those of you who may have forgotten.

More Insta(nt)gra(tification)m

I give you the last 2.5 weeks, as seen through my wonky Virgin Mobile Android:

Prop-makin’ for a new routine.

Backyard fire at my friend Courtney’s.

Idyllic in Somerville.

Allix Mortis changing in the car, pre-show.

Undoubtedly the most photographed sign in Ralph’s Diner in Worcester.

Tijuana Sweetheart, with whom we had the pleasure of sharing a stage.

Day-after-show hair: burlesque is nothing if not glamorous.

Lunch on the patio at my office.

State Street orange line stop.

Hotel Marlowe and a little of my husband.

My dad and Aunt Susan, before my sister’s wedding.

My own wedding shots.

Porch wine, candlelight and the White Album.

A friend we made at Kimball Farm.

Maybe not the best mini-golf shoes.

Kimball Farm and a little more of my husband.


Feeling self-congratulatorily bohemian (and cleavagey), sipping wine and writing out on our porch.

Our friends Hallelujah the Hills’ CD release party.

Beard here.

So did I!

Hazy Memorial Day bathroom self-portrait.



Sorry for the overload.  What can I say?  Life’s been aesthetically pleasing these days.

Two Emilys/Photo-A-Day 18

Something I love about my life?  I get to live two of them.

Seriously!  Since I started doing burlesque in 2010, I’ve gotten to have two identities: Emily and Polly.

Polly channels Stevie Nicks. And Ke$ha.

Emily in the morning/day eighteen: drink

It really is quite liberating.  Take, for example, our Facebook pages (that’s right, Polly has her own).  While Emily may post about any number of things, ranging from our new blender* to what I wore to work, Polly is pure id.  Hungover?  Shopping for domme-y underwear?  Repressing urges to tear off my clothes and go streaking through the office?  All Polly.  Even my Google Reader shows this: Emily subscribes to blogs about motherhood (my favorite is Julie’s) and home decorating, while Polly reads the Hubba Hub and 21st Century Burlesque Magazine.  As I write this, I realize it must sound a little disordered and somewhat schizophrenic, but I assure you, it’s not.  These two worlds coexist quite happily in our home; right now, for example, I’m sitting at our dining room table, sipping a smoothie I just made out of all sorts of good, healthy stuff.  Strewn in front of me are Bananagrams, my inhaler, glitter glue, and a sequined bustier.  We’ve got Christmas cards from friends strung up on the wall** and tasseled pasties on the side table.  I guess the best thing about these two worlds is when they overlap: when my friends (or my parents!) come to our shows, or when I find glitter in my husband’s beard.***  It’s times like this, like this morning, when I woke up next to him, with remnants of eyelash glue still on my face,**** that I feel so lucky to be able to be these different people, both of whom are distinctly me.

*I finally opened it!

**Probably time to take those down, now that I think of it.

***No really, this happens a lot.

****That shit’s hard to get off, especially when you’re dead tired.