Things and Stuff.





Ahoy, friends.  I’m still alive, chugging away at the new position at work.  Lately I’ve been spending my days reading and entering info from law students’ resumes, which makes me feel woefully a) old and b) under-accomplished.  I’m not actually sure how I’ve found time to write this, actually, so I’m going to make it quick since I’m sure I’ll remember something I’m supposed to be doing any moment now.

Aside from work, I’ve been continuing to try to get every last moment of potential awesomeness out of the remaining summer.  We’ve made weekend trips, hosted parties, shopped flea markets and vintage fairs, and sang lots of karaoke.  Today we’re headed to NYC for the Jazz Age Lawn Party, which I’ve wanted to go to for a couple years now so of course I’m SUPEREXCITED.  I just need to make it another hour or so and we’ll be on our way!  Expect lots of photos in the future of all aforementioned events.

And, just for fun/vanity, here’s a quick outfit shot from a few weeks ago.  My summer uniform this year seems to be maxi skirts, mismatched patterns and headscarves.  Or, the “I-Dress-Myself-In-The-Dark” look.

(shirt – Threadless / skirt – LOFT [Yes, I was surprised, too] / scarf – thrifted (via Šarka’s Collection at the Davis Flea) / glasses –

Unrelated: that box isn’t really full of Cheez-Its, unfortunately.  Enjoy the glimpse of what our home looks like, though.  Oh hey, there’s an idea for a post…

I’m So Tired.

Allow me to show you how tired I am.

Hey, friends.  This is going to be brief, since, as I have indicated, I am hella tired.  Recently my body has continued to adjust to not being on birth control, which has apparently meant that 14 years of hormones that were being suppressed are suddenly returning with a muthafuckin’ vengeance.  We’re talking breakouts, adolescent mood swings, crying at the wedding episode of The Office (more than usual)…it’s been pretty much like being 16 years old again.  This month has felt a bit more tolerable, so hopefully it will continue to level out.  But man, body.  You are batshit crazy sometimes.

In other, non-hormonal news, I’ve just been promoted at work from receptionist to an assistant position.  It’s temporary for a month while I (and the people I’m assisting) decide if it seems like a good fit.  I’m still only a few days in, but it’s been a little bit of a shock to go from doing next to nothing to suddenly having to use my brain again (not to mention the major decrease in possible blog-reading time).  I’d like to stick with it, though, even if it’s not a field that I feel particularly passionate about.  It’s just nice to feel like I’m using a bit more of my intelligence than was needed to answer phones and stare out the window.  There is definitely something bittersweet about finding (minor) success in an area that is not my chosen one, but I’m going to try to just take it one day at a time and see where it takes me.  It’s also just nice to feel appreciated and useful and important.  Hopefully as I find my equilibrium I won’t be so exhausted by having to actually think during the workday.

Phew.  That took a lot of energy.  Time for some True Blood and sleep.  Night.